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Kamis, 15 September 2011


The temple with an area 34 meters square base and height of 47 meters is the largest and most important. Shiva temple called because in it the statue of Siwa Mahadewa terdap which is the largest statue. The building is divided into 3 parts vertically legs, body, d the head or roof, the foot of the temple described the "underworld" where humans are still filled with lust, the temple described the "middle world" where mankind has left the world and describe the roof "world of" place of the gods. Images of the cosmos appears to be in the presence of statues of gods - gods and creatures - a heavenly creature who describes mountain Mahameru (Geverest in India) where the gods. Enshrinement Prambanan is a replica of the mountain was proven by the statues - statues of deities carved Lokapala at the foot of the Shiva temple. Four entrances to the temple according to the four cardinal directions.
The main entrance faces east with the largest entry stairs. On either side stood two giant statues of guards with a mace which is a manifestation of Shiva. Inside the temple there are 4 rooms overlooking the four cardinal directions and surrounded the largest space in the middle - the middle. Leading an empty room, while the other three rooms contain the statues - statues: Grand Master Shiva, Ganesha and Durga. Basic foot of the temple in circumference walkway bordered by a fence rare. On the wall next step in the Ramayana story there is relief that can be followed by "pradaksina" (running clockwise). Starting from the main door. The ornaments on the outer wall of "Kinari-Kinari" (human-headed bird-bodied creatures). "Kalamakara" (head of a giant pair of tongue shape motologi) and other heavenly beings. Terraced temple roof - level with a very complex arrangement of each decorated a number of "ratna" and the peak there is a "ratna" greatest.

Essentially 20 square meters wide and 37 meters high. In the natural one - the only room there stood the four-headed statue of Brahma and the dilly 4. This statue is actually sangatindah but it is damaged. One hand holds the rosary which only holds "Kamandalu" place of water. The four face four Vedic scriptures describe each - each facing the four cardinal directions. The four arms depict the four cardinal directions.
As a creator he is carrying water for the whole of nature created by the ai. Tsbih menggamarkan time. Basic foot of the temple is also surrounded by a balustrade lined walkways where there is a wall next to the Ramayana story carved relirf advanced and similar reliefs on the temple of Shiva, so finished.

Shape size re; IEF and exterior wall decoration with Brahma temple. Diddalam the only room there stood the statue which holds the four-armed Vishnu Gada, Chakra, Oyster. On the wall of the ledge next to the sculpted reliefs of the story of Krishna as an "Avatara" or incarnation of Vishnu and Balarama (Balarama) brother.

Essentially 15 square meters wide and 25 meters high. In one - the only room there, lying statue of a bull in an independent manner with a length of ± 2 meters. In the corner behind the statue of the god Candra there. Candra, who eyed the three standing on the train which attracted 10 horses. Surya standing on a train in drag by 7 horses. This temple had collapsed.

This temple has one room that did not contain any. Essentially 13 square meters wide and 22 meters high. Maybe this room is only in use for animals that used kanda geese in drive by Brahma.

The shape, size and decoration of the temple walls with geese. In one - the only room that there are small statues in the form of an eagle on top of a dragon. Garuda Wisnu is the vehicle.

Basically 6 feet wide with a height of 16 meters square. The room is empty. Perhaps the temple was in use before entering the temple to meditate - the main temple. Since his move he may be used to embed the aesthetic in the Prambanan complex enshrinement.

Basically vast square with a height of 1.55 meters 4.10 meters. This temple has no stairs to enter. Function as a repellent reinforcements.

The size of the temple - this temple is the same as the temple curtain.

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