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Kamis, 15 September 2011


The temple with an area 34 meters square base and height of 47 meters is the largest and most important. Shiva temple called because in it the statue of Siwa Mahadewa terdap which is the largest statue. The building is divided into 3 parts vertically legs, body, d the head or roof, the foot of the temple described the "underworld" where humans are still filled with lust, the temple described the "middle world" where mankind has left the world and describe the roof "world of" place of the gods. Images of the cosmos appears to be in the presence of statues of gods - gods and creatures - a heavenly creature who describes mountain Mahameru (Geverest in India) where the gods. Enshrinement Prambanan is a replica of the mountain was proven by the statues - statues of deities carved Lokapala at the foot of the Shiva temple. Four entrances to the temple according to the four cardinal directions.
The main entrance faces east with the largest entry stairs. On either side stood two giant statues of guards with a mace which is a manifestation of Shiva. Inside the temple there are 4 rooms overlooking the four cardinal directions and surrounded the largest space in the middle - the middle. Leading an empty room, while the other three rooms contain the statues - statues: Grand Master Shiva, Ganesha and Durga. Basic foot of the temple in circumference walkway bordered by a fence rare. On the wall next step in the Ramayana story there is relief that can be followed by "pradaksina" (running clockwise). Starting from the main door. The ornaments on the outer wall of "Kinari-Kinari" (human-headed bird-bodied creatures). "Kalamakara" (head of a giant pair of tongue shape motologi) and other heavenly beings. Terraced temple roof - level with a very complex arrangement of each decorated a number of "ratna" and the peak there is a "ratna" greatest.


Prambanan temple is located right on the border province of Yogyakarta and Central Java Province, approximately 17 km to the east of the city of Yogyakarta or about 53 KM west of Solo
This complex of Prambanan enshrinement into the two regions of the western part of the complex into the territory of Yogyakarta Special Region and the eastern entrance region of Central Java Province. Prambanan enshrinement in the east of the river stood Opak approximately 200m north of Jalan Raya Yogya - Solo

Cluster of this temple is called "PRAMBANAN" because it is located in the Prambanan area. The name "Loro Jonggrang" related to the legend that tells of a virgin who Jonggrang or tall girl daughter of King Boko.

Prambanan is a Hindu group enshrinement in the wake of the king - king Sanjaya Dynasty in the ninth century.
The discovery of writings on the temple's name Pikatan This raises the notion that the temple was built by Rakai Rakai Pikatan completed by Balitung based on the inscription dates to 856M "Inscription Siwargraha" as the manifest political will to strengthen its position as a great king. The transfer to the central Javanese kingdom of Mataram East terawatnya not result in the temple - a temple in this area plus the earthquake and the eruption of Mount Merapi several times made the collapse of Prambanan temple in ruins - a scattering of rock debris that's really sad circumstances at the time of the rediscovery of Prambanan temple.
Restoration efforts undertaken Dutch East Indies government running very slow and ultimately very valuable restoration work was completed by people in Indonesia.
On December 20, 1953 restoration of Candi Loro Jonggrang parent is officially declared completed by Dr. Ir. Sukarno as President of the Republic of Indonesia first. Until now restoration work was continued, namely the restoration of the temple of Brahma and Vishnu. Brahma Temple in pugar began in 1977 and finished as well as the launch on March 23, 1987. while the Vishnu temple began in pugar in 1982, completed and inaugurated by President Soeharto on April 27, 1991.

The complex consists of enshrinement prambanan lower background, above the middle ground and background (background center) are increasingly in the direction of the higher lying. Respectively - helped breadth: 390 meters, 222 meters and 110 square meters persedi. Bottom background does not contain any. In the middle ground there are the ruins of the temple - the temple ancillary. When all was completed in pugar, then there will be 224 temples all the same size that is the basis of 6 square meters wide and 14 meters high. Center background is the most important background on which stand 16 pieces big and small temples. Temple - The main temple consists of two rows facing each other, the first series of the temple of Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma temple. The second series of Candi Nandi, Geese and Temple Temple of Garuda.
In the end - the end of the hallway that separates the two rows. Enclose the temple there are temples. Eight other smaller temples. Four of them. Screen Temple and other temples in the four corners of the temple called. Overall this enshrinement consists of 240 temples.

Rabu, 14 September 2011


Disini saya ingin sedikit  mencoba Share tentang BMT (Baitul Mall Watt Tamwill) Mohon maaf apabila penyampaian saya ini ada yang salah.

Lahirnya LKS termasuk “BMT  ” dilatar belakangi oleh pelarangan riba secara tegas dalam al-Qur’an. Sementara di dalam perkembangannya LKS mulai dikenal masyarakat pada saat MUI mengeluarkan fatwa bahwa bunga bank haram.
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai para penggagasnya tidak lain untuk menampung dana umat Islam yang begitu besar dan menyalurkannya kembali kepada umat Islam terutama pengusaha-pengusaha muslim yang membutuhkan bantuan modal untuk pengembangan bisnisnya dalam bentuk pemberian fasilitas pembiayan kepada para nasabahnya berdasarkan prinsip syariah.
Dalam rangka menghindari pembayaran dan penerimaan riba/ bunga, maka dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembiayan, perbankan syariah menempuh mekanisme bagi hasil sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan permodalan, sehingga diperlukan mekanisme perhitungan bagi hasil yang benar-benar sesuai dengan prinsip syariah.
1.      Pengertian dan Peranan BMT
BMT merupakan Lembaga keuangan yang berorientasi sosial keagamaan yang kegiatan utamanya       menampung serta menjalankan harta masyarakat dalam bentuk zakat, infaq, shodaqoh berdasakan ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam al-Qur’an dan sunah Rasul-Nya atau bisa diartikan juga lembaga keuangan yang kegiatan utamanya menghimpun dana masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan/ deposito serta menjalankannya kembali kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk pembiayaan berdasarkan pada prinsip syariah.
2.      Produk-Produk BMT
a.       Menghimpun dana dari masyarakat
1)      Simpanan / tabungan wadiah (titipan)
2)      Simpanan / tabungan mudharabah (investasi)
b.      Penyaluran dana pada masyarakat
1.      transaksi jual beli berdasar prinsip
a.       murabaha
b.      bai’u bithaman ajil
2.      Pembiayaan bagi hasil berdasar prinsip
a.       Musyarakah
b.      Mudharabah
c.       Al Muzaraah
d.      Al Musaqah
3.      Sewa

1.      Pengertian Pembiayaan
Pembiayaan merupakan suatu fasilitas yang diberikan oleh BMT/ Lembaga-lembaga keuangan syariah kepada para anggotanya dalam bentuk penyaluran dana berdasar pada prinsip syariah.
2.      Manfaat Pembiayaan
a.       bagi anggota LKS
b.      bagi LKS

1.      Pengertian Musyarakah
Musyarakah adalah akad kerjasama antara 2 pihak / lebih untuk melakukan suatu usaha yang halal dan produktif dengan kesepakatan bahwa keuntungan akan dibagikan sesuai nisbah yang disepakati dan resiko akan ditanggung sesuai porsi kerjasama.
2.      Landasan Syariah
3.      Jenis-jenis Musyarakah
4.      Syarat dan Rukun Musyarakah
5.      Aplikasi dalam perbankan 
6.      Prosedur Pembiayaan musyarakah
-          Syarat Adm
-          Syarat kelayakan

1.      Pengertian bagi hasil
Pembagian pendapatan antara pihak shohibul maal dengan mudharib dengan pembagian keuntungan berdasarkan nisbah yaitu telah disepakati untuk kedua belah pihak.
2.      Perhitungan bagi hasil dalam pembiayaan musyarakah
Perhitungan bagi hasil musyarakah dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu profit sharing maupun revance sharing tergantung kepada kebijakan masing-masing LKS untuk memilih.
Bagi hasil dalam pembiayaan musyarakah tidak proporsional  atas modalnya, karena salah satu sebagai pengelola, sementara yang lain tidak.

Perhitungan bagi hasil pembiayaan musyarakah ditentukan dengan mempertimbangkan :
  1. Modal mitra  yang berputra
  2. Modal BMT (pembiayaan)
  3. Keuntungan bersih dari usaha mitra
  4. Standar keuntungan yang diharapkan BMT
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi bagi hasil dalam pembiayaan musyarakah pada BMT, antara lain :
  1. Usaha
Bagi hasil itu ada jika usaha masih tetap berjalan, serta bagi hasil selalu berubah sesuai dengan laba yang diperoleh dari hasil usaha yang dijalankan
  1. Kelayakan
Kelayakan suatu usaha dapat dinilai berdasarkan analisis yang dibuat oleh kedua belah pihak
  1. Kerelaan Mudharib

Metode perhitungan bagi hasil dalam pembiayaan musyarakah pada BMT   berlandaskan pada teori secara umum/ menurut pernyatan standar akt keuangan yaitu bagi laba (profit sharing) dan bagi pendapatan (revence sharing)i  yang mana bagi laba dihitung dari total pendapatan pengelolaan musyarakah, selain  itu juga memperhatikan standar minimum bagi hasil pembiayaan yang ditetapkan BMT  .
  1. Untuk metode bagi hasil dengan menggunakan metode bagi laba biasanya digunakan untuk membiayai proyek usaha
Contoh :
Linda seorang pengusaha kayu memperoleh pembiayaaan dari BMT sebesar Rp. 35.000.000 untuk membiayai usaha jual beli kayu dengan kesepakatan 50% : 50% keuntungan  yang di dapat pada bulan pertama Rp.1.968.500 setelah dikurangi biaya-biaya dalam 1 bulan sebesar Rp. 357.000  menjadi Rp. 1.611.500,-
Diketahui :
Dana dari BMT           : Rp. 35.000.000
Laba bersih                  : Rp. 1.611.500 (bulan ke 1 )
Nisbah bagi hasil         : Rp. 50%  : 50%
Jangka waktu pengembalian   : 4 bulan
Jawab :
Rp. 1.611.500 = Rp. 805.750,-
Jumlah bagi basil yang harus diberikan ke BMT untuk bulan ke-1 sebesar Rp. 805.750,- sedangkan untuk pokok pinjamannya bisa dikembalikan sekalisug pada saat jatuh tempo, atau bisa tiap bulan sesuai dengan keinginan mudharib untuk bulan berikutnya jumlah bagi hasil yang diberikan ke BMT tidak selalu sama karena keuntungan yang didapat dari usaha tersebut tidak sama.
  1. Contoh perhitungan  bagi hasil dengan menggunakan begi pendapatan mudharib memperoleh pembiayaan dari BMT sebesar Rp. 5.000.000 modal sendiri sebesar Rp. 5.000.000 dengan nisbah bagi hasil 40% : 60% (BMT: Mudharib), proyeksi pendapatan bersih usaha sebesar Rp.1.000.000 per bulan.
Diketahui :
Dana dari BMT                              : Rp.    5.000.000
Dana sendiri                                   : Rp.    5.000.000
Total Modal                                    : Rp.  10.000.000
Proyeksi pendapatan bersih            : Rp. 1.000.000 per bulan
Nisbah bagi hasil                            : 40% : 60% (BMT : Mudharib)
Jawab :
Pendapatan Modal BMT                : Jumlah Modal BMT  x Proyeksi laba           
                                                           Total Modal                  bersih
                                                        : Rp.   5.000.000 x Rp. 1.000.000
                                                          Rp. 10.000.000
                                                        : Rp. 500.000
Setelah diketahui pendapatan usaha dari Modal BMT, maka perhitungan nisbah bagi hasilnya :
BMT = 40% x Rp. 500.000
         = Rp. 200.000 tiap bulannya.
Untuk mempertimbangkan Nisbah bagi hasil maka dengan melihat standar minimum bagi hasil yang ditetapkan BMT  , setiap  pembiayaan sebesar Rp. 1.000.000,- maka bagi hasil yang diperoleh sekitar Rp.  18.000 sampai Rp. 20.000,-

  1. Bagi hasil dalam pembiayaan musyarakah pada BMT   tidak ditetapkan secara pasti, karena tidak ada kepastian pendapatan dari usaha yang dijalankan oleh mudharib.
  2. Perhitungan bagi hasil pembiayaan musyarakah pada BMT   ditentukan dengan mempertimbangkan: modal mitra  yang berputar, modal dari BMT (Pembiayaan), keuntungan bersih dari usaha mitra,  serta standar keuntungan yang diharapkan BMT.
  3. Perhitungan sera penetapan bagi hasil pembiayaan musyarakah pada BMT   selalu berubah, perubahan tersebut berdasarkan analisis dari suatu usaha yang dijalankan oleh mudharib terlebih  dahulu.
  4. Metode perhitungan bagi hasil pembiayaan musyarakah pada BMT   sama dengan yang ada dalam teroi yaitu terdapat dalam pernyataan standar akutansi keuangan yang mana tertuliskan bahwa metode perhitungan bagi hasil dalam pembiayaan musyarakah dengan dua metode yaitu bagi laba (Profit sharing) dan bagi pendapatan (nevenue sharing).

Contoh - contoh Curiculum Vitae (Daftar Riwayat Hidup)

Setelah saya share contoh - contoh surat lamaran kerja, maka disini saya akan share contoh - contoh cara membuat Daftar Riwayat Hidup (CV / Curiculum Vitae) (sekali lagi saya mohon maaf nama, alamat yang tercantum hanya sekedar contoh)




Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir      Klaten, 16 Desember 1987
Jenis Kelamin                          Laki -  Laki
Tinggi Badan                          169 Cm
Umur                                       23 Tahun
Status                                      Belum Nikah
Tempat Tinggal Sekarang       Carat, Rt 07/ Rw 14, Pepe, Ngawen, Klaten
Pendidikan Formal                  Ø   1994 – 2000          SD N PEPE 1
Ø  2000 – 2003          MTs N KLATEN
Ø  2003 – 2006          SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 2 JATINOM
Pendidikan Non Formal          Ø   KURSUS KOMPUTER OFFICE
Pengalaman Kerja                   Ø bekerja di PT. MEGA LABELS  bagian Enginering Departement tahun 2006 - 2008
            Ø  bekerja di PT. PASS INDONESIA  sebagai Supervisor tahun 2008 – 2010.

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja

Disini saya akan mencoba Share contoh - contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja, yang bisa para pembaca contoh untuk mencoba melamar pekerjaan di suatu Perusahaan (Maaf nama,alamat yang tercantum hanya sekedar contoh tidak ada maksud apapun)

Klaten, 5 Nopember 2007

Dusun Babat Baru Desa Manang
Grogol Sukoharjo

Dengan hormat,

Bersama  surat ini Saya berminat ingin mengajukan permohonan lamaran kerja di PT. FRISIAN FLAG IND  sebagai DMC (Delivery Motor Cycle). Dan terlebih apabila Bapak memperhatikan surat lamaran yang saya ajukan.

Nama saya Yulianto, umur 24 tahun. Saya lulusan SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten

Saya dapat bekerja sama dalam team, berkomunikasi dengan baik, dan sanggup bekerja keras dan tidak buta warna.

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan saya lengkapi persyaratan sebagai calon pelamar di PT. FRISIAN FLAG IND Untuk informasi dan data lain yang diperlukan, maka saya dapat dihubungi setiap saat dengan alamat dan nomor telepon seperti yang tercantum di bawah.

Demikian surat lamaran ini saya buat, Saya akan sangat berterima kasih apabila Bapak memberi kesempatan bagi saya untuk dapat bergabung di lingkup PT. FRISIAN FLAG IND sesuai dengan kemampuan yang saya miliki, atas perhatian dan kesempatan yang diberikan saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat Saya,


HP. 081 ..................


Emosi adalah kekuatan besar yang bisa menggerakkan hidup kita ke arah kebahagiaan dan keberhasilan. Tapi tanpa pengendalian emosi, juga bisa merusak kualitas kehidupan kita.

Disini ada 10 jurus yang tepat untuk mengendalikan Emosi :
1.    Perasaan – perasaan yang dialami seseorang umumnya bersumber dari pikiran.
Ketika seseorang berpikiran negatif perasaan orang tersebut cenderung menjadi negatif. Sebaliknya ketika seseorang berpikiran positif, perasaan orang tersebut cenderung positif.
Jadi mengendalikan pikiran adalah langkah pertama untuk mengendalikan perasaan

2.    Biasakanlah memberi kesempatan kepada pikiran untuk mengambil keputusan
Semakin seseorang mahir menyerahkan keputusan kepada pikiran, maka semakin sehat emosinya. Itu adalah kondisi ideal dimana akal yang mengendalikan perasaan, bukan perasaan yang mengendalikan akal.

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Sabtu, 10 September 2011

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that is proper solon and much shared. Moving the mesothelial cells that change up the mesothelium - the out coating that protects the body's stellar meat such as the courageousness, tummy and lungs - this shape of person is a shortest result of timed and defenseless danger to asbestos. The symptoms and the interval phase of this disease average that it is awkward to diagnose. Direction for mesothelioma is console being investigated finished clinical trials and explore, but as a direction it responds poorly to the treatments that are currently old.

The grouping most at seek from beingness carriers of this mortal are those bed worked with asbestos over the once thirty to bill years. Because of this, the disease is most usual in men between the ages of sixty and cardinal as this is the aggroup that commonly worked with asbestos during those eld. Because of the need of extortion and regulations in those days, these workers were constantly exposed to the trash and fibres from the asbestos, which caused the cells of the mesothelium to turn irregular. Yet, because the disease takes decades to ameliorate full and manifest, umpteen of them were oblivious to this until cardinal to fifty life afterwards. It is these men who are now lodging multi-million symbol lawsuits against the unscrupulous companies that exposed them to the dangers of asbestos, symmetrical tho' they were alive that it could create impairment to the employees.

There are also separate grouping at try from the disease; viz. those who know had frequenter lens with a individual who has worked with asbestos. Because these workers regularly carried scrap and fibres on their clothes, wound and in their hair, they fibres and rubble could be ingested by unit members, who were then at chance of developing mesothelioma, respiratory problems or other asbestos concomitant disease.

The organs most strained by mesothelioma are the lungs and the surrounding tissue. Pleural mesothelioma, which is the typewrite affecting the coating of the lungs, is the most popular fluctuation of this someone with symptoms which countenance puffy and swallowing difficulties, exhalation, lowness of breath, pyrexia and metric death. The belly is added area hokey by this somebody, and this change is known as peritoneal mesothelioma. This identify of mesothelioma is not as communal as pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma can let nausea and ejection, coefficient experience and failure of craving, febrility, gut obstructer and painfulness or swelling of the stomach area. The senior terpsichore of the cancer is pericardial meso
unrelenting symptom.

The symptoms of mesothelioma are really unwashed to a product of additional diseases which are author well-known in gild. Therefore, it is not extraordinary for the tolerant to be misdiagnosed when he or she goes in displaying any or all of these symptoms. People who soul worked with asbestos should e'er let their charlatan experience this so that the doc is solon awake and author semiconscious of the possibilities in the circumstance that the symptoms do manifest. A speedy diagnosis is alpha to the competent treatment of mesothelioma, and without beingness knowledgeable of the facts your theologizer may not be competent to gain the diagnosis as quickly as he would if he is sensitive of the status.

Although there are treatments for mesothelioma, they do not know a mellow success rate especially on patients in whom the somebody is in its afterwards stages. The faster the mesothelioma is diagnosed and burnt, the solon quantity of success, which is why it is primary to get as allegretto a diagnosis as mathematical.

Topical treatments for mesothelioma allow surgery, syndrome therapy, remedy therapy and chemotherapy. The Nationalist Make of Individual along with a tracheophyte of added organizations and sponsors are currently conducting search into mesothelioma and carrying out clinical trials to try and happen a management that leave not exclusive be many good but give enable the made handling of the disease smooth in its later stages.
Sumber : disini

Mesothelioma Stages

How is mesothelioma staged?

  Mesothelioma stages are the categorisation levels that doctors utilise to resolve the extent of the mortal within the body. Mesothelioma is unreal between 1 and 4, depending on inclemency. Initiate 1 mesothelioma, for example, is highly local disease, with the tumour affecting only a modest extent and office tissue. Travelling 4 mortal, on the separate extreme, is voluminous disease, which has dispersion far beyond the tumor's beginning, affecting other periodical tissue and yet murder or ivory cells.

Precondition how rarified mesothelioma is, a buckram staging sorting exists only for pleural mesothelioma, which affects the covering of the lung and bureau cavum. System is discovered at identification, using any classify of characteristic procedures. Elementary production can be driven finished the use of imagery scans, which testament furnish sign specialists a visible histrionics of the extent of the malignancy within the body. If the results of picturing scans are undetermined or it appears that the disease is not local, a physician may postulation the patient to support a plague or operative biopsy, which can ascertain if the malignant cells have metastasized to the slaying or lymph nodes finished region investigating.

Mesothelioma System Systems
Today, there are triad pinion system systems misused to determine how far mesothelioma mortal has overspread and apiece method uses quaternary stages to expound the advance of the disease. It is the definition of apiece platform within the various systems that can variegate slightly.

Butchart Production Group
The Butchart production method is the oldest and most commonly utilized production method for mesothelioma. This grouping is focussed on defining the activity of the essential tumor assemblage in the embody for apiece arrange. The grouping doesn't writing how some someone cells are give, how big the malignancy is or the plane of crab nowadays in the embody overall.

TNM System Scheme
The TNM Staging Group, formed by the Dweller Spliff Committee on Someone (AJCC), is akin to production systems utilized for otherwise types of house. It considers the characteristics of the neoplasm (T), whether or not lymph nodes are implicated (N) and if the mansion has metastasized to separate locations in the body (M).

Brigham Production System
The Brigham Staging Grouping also has tetrad stages of move and is very related to the TNM System Scheme. The primary difference between the two is that in gain to process the activity of the malignance, and assessing lymph node status and the presence of metastatic disease, the Brigham Grouping also helps assess the choice for and effectiveness of postoperative involvement at apiece travel.

The Stages of Mesothelioma
The foursome stages of mesothelioma, as noted above, vary slightly within each scheme but can be mostly defined as indicated below. Please utter into the individualist pages to get more assemblage nearly apiece travelling in pandemic and as is it circumscribed within each system system:

Travelling 1 Mesothelioma
In Initiate 1 the angiopathy is localized, there is no lymph knob condition and the constellation has not locomote to opposite meat or tissues. In this occurrence, the mansion is liable classified to one indorse of the pleura and operative removal is contingent

Stage 2 Mesothelioma
In Platform 2, the malignance is larger and has invaded the lung or diaphragm. Lymph nodes may also be embroiled. In this framework, preoperative resection may be realizable tho' the soul has promising travel to both sides of the pleura.

Represent 3 Mesothelioma
In Coach 3, mesothelioma has invaded a singular region or region specified as the bureau wall, gullet, lymph nodes and preoperative resection is mostly ruled out as an effective handling.

Initiate 4 Mesothelioma
In Pioneer 4, mesothelioma has invaded eightfold regions specified as diverse areas of the bureau surround, the stop and/or the pericardium. Lymph glands are also active and the human has locomote to different meat. Surgical removal provides no consider in this circumstance as the disease has belike metastasized fortunate beyond its origination.

Sumberku: disini

What Is Auto Insurance?

What Is Auto Insurance? , For car owners, auto insurance is not just an option, but rather it is a legal necessity. If you get into an accident, or if your car is stolen or damaged, you need insurance so that repair costs or the loss will not be too heavy a burden. So what really is this auto insurance? Is it an easy way to get easy money in just an instant? Or is it just another problem that will just cover up another one in times of need?
The first time I read about auto insurance information online, I felt it’s a way to get a rush of money so easily, in a flash. Well it sounds cool but I never knew that auto insurance would involve a lot of things.
Having auto insurance will essentially cover up for financial losses in certain instances. Coverage will usually be in the following forms:

Visit Here : Honesty is the Best (Insurance) Policy

1. Property coverage – payment received from damages and theft
2. Liability coverage – payment for accident related injuries and property damage.
3. Medical coverage – payment for injuries, medical operation cost, rehabilitation, funeral expenses.

Honesty is the Best (Insurance) Policy

Honesty is the Best (Insurance) Policy, Little white lies were supposed to be harmless until you were found out. However, what if there were 11 million white lies done each day? That’s the number of car drivers who will not tell the truth (read: lie) to avoid having their claims rejected.
The survey done by further details it. According to the survey, the car owners found it more important not jeopardizing their car insurance rather than being honest with their circumstances.

When asked what they would do in the event that they left their car unsecured and it was broken into, a third of motorists would said that they would keep the truth from their insurer for fear that they would not be able to claim on the insurance; another third said they would tell the truth, and the final third were undecided about what course of action they would take.
If ever they were found out, this would push the price of for other motorists. And their claim would be denied as well.

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Senin, 05 September 2011

Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma Cancer

Making a correct mesothelioma diagnosis is particularly difficult for doctors because the disease often presents with symptoms that mimic other common ailments. There is no known cure for mesothelioma, but treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy have helped to improve the typical mesothelioma prognosis.
Pleural mesothelioma (affecting the lung’s protective lining in the chest cavity) represents about three quarters of all mesothelioma incidence. Peritoneal mesothelioma which affects the abdominal cavity and pericardial mesothelioma, which affects the cardiac cavity, comprise the remainder. Testicular mesothelioma is extremely rare and is typically presents with metastases of the peritoneal variety. There are three recognized mesothelioma cell-types. Between 50 and 70% of all mesotheliomas are of the epithelial variety. While prognosis is generally poor, it is considered less aggressive than sarcomatoid mesothelioma and biphasic mesothelioma, which comprise the remainder of cell type diagnoses.
The cavities within the body encompassing the chest, abdomen, and heart are surround by a membrane of cells known as the mesothelium. Mesothelial cells assist in general organ functions. The mesothelium is particularly important to organs that are commonly in motion, such as expansion or contraction of the lungs, stomach, or heart. Lubrication from the mesothelial cells allows free range of motion within the body. The mesothelium of the chest, abdomen, and cardiac cavity are called the pleura, the peritoneum, and the pericardium, respectively. Each of these groupings of mesothelial cells are extremely critical to the functions of the body structures which they encompass.
Malignancies (cancerous tumors) occurring within the mesothelial membranes are known as malignant mesothelioma, or simply mesothelioma. Benign tumors of the mesothelium are known to occur, but are much rarer than the more common malignant cancer.
While tumors of the mesothelium were first recognized in the late 18th century, it was not until the middle of the 20th century that this particular cancer was studied and examined with more detail. It was at this time where suspicions of the cancer’s causal relationship with asbestos exposure became more substantiated. A joint research venture through the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University of the Witswater and/Johannesburg General Hospital in South Africa provided the most compelling evidence of the nexus between asbestos exposure and the development of pleural mesothelioma.
Incidence of mesothelioma is still quite rare, with only 2,500-3000 diagnoses in the United States each year. There was a spike in reported diagnoses between 1970 and 1984, which has been attributed to the latency period between diagnosis and the height of industrial exposures, which occurred roughly 40-60 years prior to this time. Exposure was common in nearly all industries but was particularly common in the WWII-era military industrial cycle, including Navy Shipyards.
Although this cancer is much more common in men over the age of 60 (largely attributed to the industrial exposures within male-dominated industries), mesothelioma in women and children has been described as well. Mesothelioma causes for diagnosis in women and children are mainly attributed to secondary exposure to asbestos, as it was not uncommon for men to bring asbestos back into the home on their body or clothing if proper cleaning facilities were not available on site.
Mesothelioma is diagnosed through a comprehensive combination of biopsy and imaging scans.
Mesothelioma can be a difficult malignancy to diagnose because the symptoms and pathology of the disease closely resemble other respiratory conditions. For this reason, misdiagnosis is not uncommon in mesothelioma patients. Symptoms of mesothelioma include chest pain, chronic cough, effusions of the chest and abdomen, and the presence of blood in lung fluid.
Diagnostic surgeries, including a biopsy, will typically be required to determine the type of malignant cells that are present in the body. Typically a body imaging scan, including a magnetic resonance image (MRI) or computer topography (CT scan) will be required to determine the extent and location of the disease.
Mesothelioma patients are generally referred by their personal physicians to one of the many renowned mesothelioma doctors in the United States. These oncologists are well versed in the disease behavior and pathology and are the most familiar with cutting-edge mesothelioma treatment options. Dr. David Sugarbaker of the Brigham and Women's Hospital, an extension of Harvard University and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA, is at the forefront of mesothelioma treatment through the International Mesothelioma Program.
While mesothelioma is typically advanced at diagnosis, treatment options are available.
Mesothelioma, while certainly an aggressive disease, is a manageable malignancy. While there is no cure for the cancer, mesothelioma treatment options including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are available for many patients. While a combination of Alimta® and Cisplatin is currently the only FDA approved chemotherapy regimen, several clinical trials are currently in progress utilizing other drugs including Gemcitabine and Onconase, with many showing dramatically improved results in certain cancer patients.
Radiation therapy is also utilized, but typically in conjunction with other treatment methods like surgery and chemotherapy. Surgical resection of mesothelioma is possible in early-stage-diagnosed patients. Aggressive surgeries such as extrapleural pneumonectomy can extend survival rates far beyond previously-thought timeframes. Diagnostic and palliative surgeries such as pleurocentesis and pleurodesis are also common in patients of malignant mesothelioma cancer.
Alternative therapies have also been used effectively by many mesothelioma patients to assist in managing symptoms of the disease and conventional treatments. These treatments are mainly preferential but can be extremely valuable to many patients.
Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma is only caused by exposure to asbestos, though cases have been documented in children or other individuals with no asbestos history. Asbestos is a microscopic and naturally-occurring mineral that lodges in the pleural lining of the lungs and the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity. In most cases, several years will pass (up to 60) before mesothelioma develops in those who had been exposed to asbestos.
In many cases, those individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma that have been known to be exposed to asbestos may be eligible for financial compensation from asbestos manufacturers for their illness. Those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and were exposed to asbestos should fill out the brief form on this page. We'll rush you a complimentary mesothelioma and asbestos exposure information kit detailing new mesothelioma treatments, active clinical trials, top doctors, as well as how to obtain compensation for asbestos-related health conditions like mesothelioma.
Topics in this Section

Mesothelioma Risk Factors
Asbestos exposure is the primary risk factor for mesothelioma. Others include Radiation, Zeolite and SV40. Read more in this section.

Mesothelioma Causes
The primary cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Learn more about direct occupational exposure as well as second hand exposure.

Mesothelioma Symptoms
Mesothelioma symptoms often mimic those of common respiratory ailments. Learn more about the signs and symptoms to be aware of.

Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Read about the diagnostic tests that doctors use to determine whether or not a patient has mesothelioma including imaging scans and biopsies.

Mesothelioma Types
Pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma are the most common types of mesothelioma. Learn more.

Mesothelioma Stages
Learn about the different staging systems that medical experts use find out how far mesothelioma cancer has spread.

Mesothelioma Prognosis
Learn about the various factors that determine what the prognosis is for individuals that have been diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Information
This section provides a wealth of information about mesothelioma including the disease itself, latency period, survival rates, prevention and more.

Mesothelioma Pictures
This section provides visual depictions of the types of mesothelioma that patients are most often diagnosed with, available treatment options, and the dangers associated with asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma Charities
These organizations support the mesothelioma community through a variety of programs that serve to raise awareness, fund ongoing research and assist asbestos disease victims in their fight against cancer.
National Cancer Institute – Malignant Mesothelioma
Wagner, J.C., Sleggs, C.A., and Marchand, Paul. “Diffuse Pleural Mesothelioma and Asbestos Exposure in the North Western Cape Province.” Department of Thoracic Surgery: University of The Witswatersrand. Johannesburg, South Africa. 1960.
Grondin, Sean C., Sugarbaker, David J. “Pleuropneumonectomy in the Treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma” Chest December 1999 116:suppl 3 450S-454S;
Rusch, Valerie W. “Indications for pneumoctomy. Extrapleural pneumonectomy”
Roggli VL, Sharma A, Butnor KJ, Sporn T, Vollmer RT (2002). "Malignant mesothelioma and occupational exposure to asbestos: a clinicopathological correlation of 1445 cases". Ultrastruct Pathol 26(2): 55–65.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital – International Mesothelioma Program
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